"Man does not cease to play because he grows old; Man grows old because he ceases to play."
-George Bernard Shaw

Saturday, July 21, 2012

The end of week 4.  As much as I miss my free time today I had to admit that I am actually enjoying my studies.  I'm learning some new and interesting things and I do enjoy learning new and interesting things.  So, even though I missed out on the family picnic today, I was discovering something interesting.
Work has been ridiculous. As an educator I cannot even believe what is going on.  Two teachers were terminated because they forgot a three year old at the swimming pool.  This was their third time losing a child.  The parents of the child are upset that the teachers were fired.  They feel the actions of the teachers are not serious enough to lose their job.  They contacted the teachers and offered to pay their bills for the next six months.  The other parents in the room agree with them.
I'm confused. Is it not our responsibility to protect children and keep them safe????
It has been an absolute nightmare.  The parents have started a letter writing campaign, they don't trust the integrity of management (Really??), they have made my life miserable.
I truly hate going to work now.  We just want to get on with the business of caring for the children. The teachers didn't even have remorse for leaving the child. They didn't care.
As I read through our materials for this course I am so thankful to have the opportunity to continue learning and growing and reading about the passion of professionals who do care.
I need to start looking for a new job.

1 comment:

  1. I can sympathize completely with you Mimi, it is very disheartening working with teachers who seem to not care about the children. I debated between the idea of looking for a job where there were like minded teachers/management and being a good teacher to children who would not otherwise have that opportunity. It is so difficult when it seems as though your co-workers and management are working against what you know in your heart and are now learning to be the right thing to do. Have you been at this school for awhile? Why do you think the parents are upset the teacher was fired?
