"Man does not cease to play because he grows old; Man grows old because he ceases to play."
-George Bernard Shaw

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Week 8!

My reflection and thank you note are on the Exhale page.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Week 7! Wow!!

I cannot believe we are at the end of week 7.
I am glad to have classes in these "chunks" of time.  I feel like I can see the end without stressing about all of the bumps along the way.
This has been an interesting endeavor.  Online learning so far has been good for me.
Yes, I would have preferred to have not taken my first vacation in two years and have all of this studying to do at the same time.  It wasn't much of a vacation at all because every day I had to take a block of time and focus on ECE.  I also made the dreadful mistake of staying in constant communication with my job.  Big mistake.
As I begin to reflect on my study habits and my approach to online learning, I have already made a few changes changes:

  • Turn the mail off and keep it off.  Checking for email while working is a terrible distraction.
  • Stay out of any room with a t.v. (no need for explanation)
  • Use my home office.  Hello. That's what it's there for.  Nice desk, nice chair, quiet environment. (Ok, it is a little cold and I will have to work on that)
  • I have to stop checking the discussion board while I'm supposed to be writing my application. It's another distraction.
I do have to laugh at myself.  I am now in "writer's mode" which means that at work they are now stuck with me writing out elaborate reports and requiring them to write with more substance as well.  I do need to work on shorter emails, though. (LOL).

Monday, August 6, 2012

Week Seven!

Well, we've made it to week seven!!! This has been a very good first start to graduate school.  Even though there is very little interaction with a teacher/instructor/professor, I feel as if I have learned quite a bit.  I also feel that because of all the reading there has been much more opportunity for introspection.  I have a good foundation to start with and I can't wait to see what the end result of this journey will be.  What changes will I have made?
I am still mentally trying to get used to having to work on papers and readings every day, I would much rather have one paper due a month, however, it has been a good opportunity to write and think about the work that I do and why I do it.