"Man does not cease to play because he grows old; Man grows old because he ceases to play."
-George Bernard Shaw

Thursday, July 12, 2012

I'm nearing the end of my third week of my course.  This week has been a little difficult for me.  I am an extremely private person.  I don't like sharing details of my personal life and I am completely against uploading pictures of myself or my family onto the internet.  I don't like talking about myself or my family.  I feel those things are personal and private.
This week's assignment is asking for some very personal information and I have had to work that out and dig deep.
I am offering small pieces of myself, but it is definitely me stepping out of my safety zone.


  1. I too, feel the need for internet privacy! I did not even use my last name on my blog, with permission from our professor. With our blogs being public, I choose pictures of when my family and I were much much younger to provide some security that my family is protected.

  2. I know that when someone ask you to talk about your own personal life it is sometimes very difficult. It seem to somehow to invade your space.I have only a certain part of myself that I am willing to share with anyone and that includes my husband. When asked to leave your comfort zone I see it is difficult for you so I know no one push you to share and just respect your feelings.
