"Man does not cease to play because he grows old; Man grows old because he ceases to play."
-George Bernard Shaw

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Well, I found a way to share some personal things with my class.  It was not an easy task, but remembering the way people who have been in and out of my life and had an influence on me stirred up good memories.
It was good talking about my father who had a way of always making me feel special.
Taking this online class has proven to be a bit more difficult than I counted on.  The work itself is fine, but my time is so limited.
I liked the idea of being able to "go to class" at my convenience-day, night, wee hours of the early morning.  Unfortunately, that's when I go to class--day, night, wee hours of the morning.
We have a lot going on at work and I have had to work at the center from 6:30-6:30.  When I get home I drop.  I would love to have the weekends to just veg out and watch mindless tv and nap as I try to recuperate from a hectic work week.  Instead, I am on my Mac from 10:00 Saturday morning until almost 11:00 Saturday night.  Then I drop again. Then I'm up by six on Sunday morning and back at it until Sunday late evening.  My down time is around 7:00 Sunday.  It's almost bed time and then it all starts over on Monday.
This is what wanting something and be willing to sacrifice for it is all about.

1 comment:

  1. I work 7-7 too! I end up doing some work on my breaks. At the beginning of each week (or when I'm done with the week that is due) I set up each word document that we are supposed to make with the proper title (including discussions) and I take the important parts of the assignment and copy and paste it at the top. this allows me to have the assignment on hand without having to log in a million times, and it shows me which resources are most important for the assignment. We may work differently in terms of how we finish assignments, but I am able to stop to make lunch and return to the assignemnt, and I feel refreshed and sometimes have a new viewI'd like to add because I took a little break. I also have a few tv shows that are my guilty pleasures, so I'll make sure I watch one or two during the weekend and then return to homework again. If I'm really brave, I stay up a little later monday and tuesday to get a head start.
