"Man does not cease to play because he grows old; Man grows old because he ceases to play."
-George Bernard Shaw

My Supports

My Challenge
I decided my challenge would be mobility. What if I could not walk? I am wheelchair bound and I depend on my motorized wheelchair for mobility. The supports I would need is family. I would need help getting in and out of bed. I would have to have a specially constructed bathroom and shower. I would need help with the cleaning and upkeep of my home. I would prefer to hire a nurse or caretaker because I would feel as if it would be too much for my family.  My home would need to be equipped with ramps and my counters and tables would need to be adjusted so that I could reach them. I would need a car or van equipped for hand controlled driving. If I didn't have a van, I would need help getting my wheelchair and myself in and out of my car. It would be better to have a van. I would be able to use a ramp to wheel in and out of my van and wouldn't require as much help. Unfortunately, my office at work would not be sufficient. A wheelchair is too wide to fit into the office and I would not be able to go upstairs. I would have to take the office manager's office and move her into my office. I would depend on the teachers and the children for emotional support.  I would depend on the children to pick up things or help me carry things around the classroom.
Without those supports life would be very difficult. Specialized supports are very important, but if I couldn't afford them I would have to be able to get around in a mobile world with limited mobility and limited support. That would be very isolating and debilitating.

To be honest, just thinking about all of this can be pretty scary. When I thought about what my life would be like without the things I take for granted-sight, hearing, mobility, I felt sad. Not because I can't survive, but because I am so dependent on the "comforts" of life and because I need the people I love and care about in my life. When we lost our power back in the summer for eight days due to a storm, it was the first time I had ever gone without power for more than an hour. It was horrible. I use power for everything and I was absolutely miserable. I had just started my first class with Walden and I had to keep running to my office just to use my laptop and get air conditioning. I had anxiety attacks when I thought I couldn't complete my assignments and was completely overwhelmed by it all. And we had a generator!

My Daily Supports
Dear hubby! Without my husband my life would be completely different. My daughter was surprised to learn (while I'm typing this) that we have been together since we were 18. This is the person that listens to me! I mean really listen. To ALL of my craziness! His support comes in many forms: a listening ear; a supportive word; a gentle or firm push in the right direction; my partner in crime; my collaborator; my voice of reason; my debate partner; my best friend.
My co-director supports me during the craziness at work. We work long, ridiculous hours and I need her to talk me off of the ledge daily (sometimes hourly); she advises me; she disagrees with me; she mentors me; she makes me laugh; she values my work and she values me.
Having a job is a practical support I need. I have so very fortunate to work with children and learn new things everyday. I love teaching and learning from adults everyday as well.
I need cars. I drive everywhere and I need to be able to get around. There is so much to do and see.
I need my computers. I use three different computers all at the same time. I would be absolutely lost without any of them. I need them to pay bills, to talk to others, to work, to research, to keep in touch, to listen to music, to shop, to play, and to study. I don't even know when it happened, but I am completely wired!!
My husband says I look like Mission Control. I sit in the middle of a Dell, HP, MacBook, IPad, and an IPhone and Samsung Smartphone. They all serve a different purpose and I can't get anything done without any of them (okay, I don't need the IPad). If I changed jobs, I could get by on my MacBook and a cellphone. My actual life only requires one computer to get everything done. My job dictates the need for the additional technology.
What would I do without the stores I frequent? I depend on the sales and discounts to provide my family with food, clothing, and consumables. (and I love to shop. It's therapeutic!)

When I think about how many people support me during the course of a day I am astounded. I have a strong system of supports, but where would I be without them? Wow. Where would I be?

1 comment:

  1. Mimi,
    you are so right about taking things for granted, from the ability to be mobile, sight, or hearing, to computers, cars and cell phones. There are so many supports around us. I need to be thankful for everything I have, thanks for that magnifying glass.
