"Man does not cease to play because he grows old; Man grows old because he ceases to play."
-George Bernard Shaw

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Wk 8 Professional Hopes and Goals

One hope that I have about working with diverse backgrounds is that I am able to serve all children and families equally. Up to this point, I think I have done a good job supporting children, staff, and families, but I am now more aware of microaggressions and moving forward I want to be mindful of the things I say and do, no matter how small, and the things I hear and see around me. Turning a blind eye or deaf ear to another's microaggression is the same as having committed it myself.

One goal I would set for the early childhood field is to establish teacher and professional training. We need highly trained teachers and professionals to work with children, families, and staff of diverse backgrounds. I think a huge part of understanding diversity is being educated and well-trained in all aspects of anti-bias practice. Teachers are usually afraid or hesitant to work with diverse populations because they don't feel they know enough about it or have been properly trained with the skills necessary to support diverse populations.

As usual, I would like to express heartfelt thanks to all of my colleagues. It was especially great during this course to be reunited with Tina and Nadia, two people who have inspired me and motivated me throughout this program. What is different about this time is there is now mention of the end of the program. We are one course away from veering off into our specializations. I thought grad school was going to be an intense study of just your specialization. I was surprised at the number of courses we had to take before taking a specialization course. However, this has truly been a journey for me. I have learned so much about myself on a personal and professional level.

Thank you to Dr. Schonleber! This has been a very interesting class and you may have been my most challenging professor so far, but I am thankful for all of the hard work.

Thank you to all of my colleagues: Melanie, Victoria, Sha'Keema, Tinka, and Bethany for your inspiration and support. It is hard trying to balance life, work, and school and it has been a difficult road to travel, but I am thankful you are all here with me!

We're on our way to achieving our dream!



  1. Mimi,
    I used to be one of those teachers that was afraid to work with diverse populations. This course has helped me to overcome this and in turn, I am hoping to help my staff as well. Thank you for all your support and discussions that have helped me to grow into a stronger professional. I wish the best to you as you continue on with your courses.
    Victoria Leming

  2. Mimi,
    It's funny you mentioned having teacher and professional training because a colleague and I were just discussing how we feel it is time we had one here at our center. By being in this course we all, I hope, have grown in understanding diversity and are better equipped with tools to help the families and people we serve. It has been a pleasure working with you and I would like to thank you for all your feedback and being a true motivator. I wish you all the best!!

  3. Mimi,
    smooches to you! The one thing I feel is missing from this program being strictly on line is not meeting everyone in person through a cohort. This is a group of smart insightful women and there is so much more I can learn from you and everyone through spoken conversations. Like you I thought almost all our classes would be our specialty, but I am very grateful for this deep exploration of culture and diversity. I only wish it was more of a focus in undergrad classes, but I guess if anyone is going to change that it would be us right? Do you mind me asking what your specialty is, in hopes that we are on the same path and can reach the summit together? Here's hoping.
