"Man does not cease to play because he grows old; Man grows old because he ceases to play."
-George Bernard Shaw

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Rejoice or scream!

I have started a new blog today.  I am back in school ready to conquer new challenges and meet new people.
This first week has been extremely difficult.
In a classroom I'm confident, ready, and able to contribute to meaningful discussions, but online learning has presented so many challenges that I'm struggling daily.  How do I post? How do I submit? What discussion post should I respond to.
I've found the whole experience difficult and a bit discouraging.  I know that within the next few weeks I will become better at this, but for now it is unsettling to feel so helpless.


  1. Hi Mimi,

    Bless your soul! I have struggled trying to figure out how to post and sumbit things properly as well. Everything will be ok, and we will be fine. We just need to remember that there are others who are ready and willing to lend a helping hand...we need only to ask. This first week was a bit of a challenge; especially for you and all you had to do, and DID accomplish. Keep your head up Mimi, that's what I'm going to do. Things will get easier as time goes by and we are more familiar with how everything works.

  2. LOL as I read your post because your last line how it is "unsettling to feel so helpless" pretty much summed up my week! It is comforting to hear (um read) that I am not the only one having a rough go at this. I was beginning to doubt the whole idea of going back to school online with so much on my plate as it is with 5 kids. I got a visual that helped me switch past the moment and maybe it will help you? I recently began running (which I always disliked) and in the beginning I could barely run 10 seconds with out feeling like someone sucked all the oxygen from the air(so sad) but kept pushing myself and now I can run 30 seconds! lol just kidding more like 15 minutes and going strong! Sometimes we have to push past our comfort zone and the reward is even greater when we do. Stay with it and soon you will be confident as ever even in this new setting.
