"Man does not cease to play because he grows old; Man grows old because he ceases to play."
-George Bernard Shaw

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Second Class!

Well, I have just completed the first week of my second class at Walden. I have gone from having ten classes to get through to eight. At the end of the year I will only be seven away from my degree. Wow, this is really happening.
So far I have mixed feelings about this new class. I was a little frustrated this week because the discussion board did not have any posts until Thursday. I must have been spoiled by my Foundations class because many people posted on Tuesday and early Wednesday. I was afraid no one was going to post at all.
Then, we were supposed to upload our links to our blogs on Saturday. I shut my computer off around 7 p.m. Saturday and no one had posted anything. I was disappointed because I wanted to get my comments in and complete my assignment.
I guess everyone is extremely busy in this group so I will have to be a little more patient in future weeks.
I am also not "loving" the textbooks. I do like the Berger text, but something feels off with the Smidt text. Perhaps it is the font or too many words on the page looking jumbled or it feels old. I don't know. I just know I didn't like the first chapter.
I liked the video from PBS very much. I didn't realize it was as long as it was and I had to set aside a chunk of my night to watch it, but it was interesting.
Because I don't work with infants I had not thought much about babies. It is very interesting to start this course from the beginning of life. It's like being pregnant again. Only now I'm studying for different reasons.
I have found one blog that has gotten me fired up. Christina Persons is living and working in a natural environment and that is something I am extremely interested in.
All in all, I look forward to this next step on my journey.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mimi,
    I'm finding this class really challenging! I'm used to writing papers so doing the chart for the Application is different, but I know it will come in handy when it is all complete. I don't know about anybody else but there is a lot of reading so that is why I'm posting at the last min.
    I think when we all get back in the grove of things we'll be posting earlier, hang in there baby!
    I love talking nature anytime night and day.
