"Man does not cease to play because he grows old; Man grows old because he ceases to play."
-George Bernard Shaw



"We now have scientific evidence to support a belief that many of us have held for a long time: that children’s environment of relationships in the first years of their lives shape the architecture of their brains, influencing their abilities long into adulthood. 
This brain research tells us that adults---not just parents, but teachers and providers too, function as either protective or risk factors in children’s development. And that means we must, as a society, do whatever we can to ensure that the teachers and providers who spend their days with children have the preparation, support and reward that allow them to play that protective role in children’s lives. But, if we are truthful (and courageous) I think we must admit that far too many teachers and providers, through no fault of their own, constitute a risk to children in their care. Dr. Jack Shonkoff, Director of the Harvard Center on the Developing Child, speaking at a conference in Sacramento in 2009, was asked what policies could best address the needs of young children, especially those living in conditions of toxic stress that are so detrimental to the developing brain. He replied, and I quote: ”If we don’t deal with the skills, expertise and compensation of the workforce, it is all hot air.” 
Every early learning program should be staffed by teachers and providers who can and do establish warm and caring relationships with children, tend the fires of children’s’ curiosity and love of learning, and foster their development and readiness for school." 

From No Single Ingredient: 2020 Vision for the Early Learning Workforce Early Learning Tour, Denver, Colorado, April 26, 2010 MARCY WHITEBOOK, PH.D. Center for the Study of Child Care Employment University of California at Berkeley 

"We have learned a great deal about children in the first years of life. Now our challenge is to put this knowledge to work."- Sam Meisels, 2011

From Week 2-Two educators I admired:
What drives Louise Derman-Sparks, Professor Emeritus Pacific Oaks College, is: 
"Working with three and four year olds made me feel whole. Made me feel creative."
"Passion to make sure that all children were taught in environments and in ways that truly nurtured their ability to grow and develop to their fullest ability."

Raymond Hernandez, MS Ed, Executive Director School of Early Childhood Education University of Southern California.  
I personally identify with Raymond Hernandez because he has trained teachers and understands how important it is to connect with the families, he honors the families by showing them how he values them, and he stays focused on the children in his program by taking time out of a busy day at the desk and going into the classrooms and interacting with the children.

"My passion comes from wanting to make a difference.  "I'm not here to save the world.  I'm here just to make a difference in the community that I'm working.  One little sparkle will make a difference for me throughout the whole day."-Raymond Hernandez

A quote that gave me serious pause:
“When our memories outweigh our dreams, we have grown old.” Bill Clinton

"A hundred times every day
I remind myself that my inner and
outer life depend on the labors of other men,
living and dead, and that I must exert myself
in order to give in to the same measure
as I have received and am still receiving." - Albert Einstein

Courage doesn't always roar. 

Sometimes courage is the quiet voice
at the end of the day saying, "I will try
again tomorrow." -Mary Ann Radmacher

"Ideas are like rabbits.  You get a couple and learn
how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a 
dozen." -John Steinbeck


  1. I enjoyed Raymond Hernandez's interview as well. He brought up a good point about staying focused on the children and keeping them in mind when doing all the paperwork. Thanks for sharing the quote from Bill Clinton, it is very true that one must always have dreams to work towards!

  2. Hi Mimi,
    I think you gave me some new words to live by; "Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, I will try again tomorrow" ~ Mary Ann Radmacher
    Thank you for your words of encouragement on my blog, I have noticed the classes intensifying and I hope we are in class together, I've gotten so much insight from you. By the way my grandchild is a girl.
    Thank you for your dedication.
