Well, here we are in our third class.
Each class format is so different from the previous one that it is like attending three different universities. When I went to college in undergrad I transferred in sophomore year. It was two different schools in two different states, but it was still college. everything was the same.
At Walden each course has a different format with different requirements, so no matter what you did in the previous class it is going to be different in the next.
It would be better if it was one prescribed format, but oh well.
I find myself particularly exhausted for this new class. Two jobs, family, and grad school. I do find time to sleep, but I hope I am getting a healthy amount of sleep.
This week we have been reading about family partnerships. I am glad we are focusing on families because that is probably my biggest hurdle. Our families can be downright mean spirited and selfish. I would love to find a way to get them to connect better to the program, rather than trying to figure out how to "fix what ain't broke".
I came in at 6 a.m. today and I have back to back meetings from 10-4:30. The first face I saw was a happy teacher enthusiastically going through portfolios and organizing documentation.
Around eight o'clock I visited one of the classrooms and was greeted by hugs, kisses, and smiles.
Today will be just fine!